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April 23, 2024

Your Way

Don’t think your way is the only way, or the best way, merely that it is your way. Your way is your way. Have it your way, not somebody else’s. There are ten ways up the mountain. Some of which are paths that can't be seen from the valley. They all get to the top. Take your time. Hike your hike. Ride with care on your funky mountain bike.

Some have an understanding so great, it’s not understood. Sometimes when you stop trying to understand, you will understand. Without understanding, you understand. No need to say a word. If you know, you know. Zoom by and pass go. Often, it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.  

We don’t all need to go the same way. Let others go their own way. If they get there they get there. You got enough to think about. Make sure you stay on your path. Make sure you get there. It all ends up the same way. All rivers lead to the ocean. All roads lead to Rome. Life is a dream walking. Death is going home.

April 20, 2024

Sweeping Corners

let me slide my way on out here

be on my way my way

call the shots; 9-ball side pocket

there’s only so many words

only so many notes

so many chords

so much time

so       what

what’s a man to do

but hit the highway __________

go where the hurricane of fate takes him

buckle up and hold on to the bar

through the loopy loops

the sweeping corners

the esses, the bus stop, and the carousel

go where he wants to go 

it don’t come easy

if it comes at all 

a year full of friday the thirteenths

blood moons

April 17, 2024

Birds Are Singing

hear birds singing, why do they sing
nothing to be happy about

a cool morning but so uncool

I see a wooden fence barely standing 

held up by waterlogged half-rotten posts

thick orange yarn, rope, small lengths of chain

an old style long white extension cord

to keep from falling down 

like the drunk stumbling out of a bar at closing time 

grabbing at rails, door handles, walls

to keep from face planting and turning his nose

of the part above his eyebrows into a bloody mess

tall logs from a fallen tree fill in the gaping gaps

keeping the dogs inside the yard

see my boot outside in yard

laying in the grass, the victim of a dog

who at least didn’t chew on it